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Pansy Patch Pansy Patch Pansy Patch

What is Pansy Patch?

Pansy Patch is Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation's official biennial fundraiser. Thetas, along with their friends and families, can purchase pansies in honor of the special Thetas in their lives. When you give a pansy, you provide opportunities for members to reach their fullest potential and make a difference around the world and in their communities.

Why Pansies?

Pansies are one of Kappa Alpha Theta’s symbols, and the word “pansy” comes from the French word pensée, meaning “thought.” This symbol exemplifies the thoughtfulness of donors who give to honor the Thetas in their lives.

Current Leaderboards

In the spirit of inspiring Thetas to become their best, check the chapter standings to see which chapters are taking the lead.

Watch Our Garden Grow

Send a Pansy

With your gift, you honor a Theta and benefit the Theta Forever Fund. Your generosity supports a lifetime connection and empowers future generations of Thetas to set their goals and aspirations higher than ever.

Send a Pansy

Send a Gold Pansy

Celebrate a special Theta with a gold pansy in the Pansy Patch at one of three giving club levels: $150 (In Faith), $1,500 (In Hope), and $15,000 (In Love).

Send a Gold Pansy

GIPHY Stickers

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GIPHY Stickers

Check out our new Pansy Patch GIPHY stickers! You can use and share them on multiple platforms — texting, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and more!

View GIPHY Stickers

Watch Our Garden Grow

When a donation is made to the Pansy Patch, that generous gift is celebrated with an electronic pansy in the garden. Check to see who else has joined us by planting pansies in the Pansy Patch!